3:51 Time Efficiency Metrics of an Innovative Swept Source OCT Biometer (SS-OCT) for Cataract Evaluation: A Comparative Time-and-Motion Study Cataract Diagnostics and Equipment Sam Multack, DO, FAOCO 25 May. 2022
4:50 Accuracy of Newer IOL Power Formulas in the Short and Long Eyes Using Sum-of-Segments Biometry Cataract Diagnostics and Equipment H. John Shammas, MD 25 May. 2022
4:36 Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Arcuate Incisions Versus Manual Arcuate Incisions: Outcomes Cataract Diagnostics and Equipment Clayton Blehm, MD 31 Jan. 2022
4:52 Comparing Refractive Outcomes Following Cataract Surgery When Using the Barrett II Universal Formula Versus Intraoperative Amberrometry Cataract Diagnostics and Equipment Michael Greenwood, MD 31 Jan. 2022
5:21 AL Measurements Using Component-Specific Indices of Refraction Vs a Composite Index: Effect on IOL Power Calculation and Clinical Outcomes Cataract Diagnostics and Equipment H. John Shammas, MD 21 Jan. 2022
3:04 Incidence and Frequency Distribution of Monovision with Monofocal IOLs - an Analysis of the AAO Clinical Registry Cataract Diagnostics and Equipment Shamik Bafna, MD 21 Jan. 2022
7:25 Comparing the Toric Calculations with the Keratometric Readings from a Swept-Source OCT Biometer Versus a Scheimpflug Topographer Cataract Diagnostics and Equipment H. John Shammas, MD 3 Jan. 2022