The Vivity® Registry Trial is a real-world clinical study involving more than 650 cataract subjects. The study has shown that the AcrySof IQ Vivity® IOL provides excellent distance and intermediate vision and functional near visual acuity results with high spectacle independence, subject satisfaction, and limited visual disturbances for the overall population. We also looked at mini-monovision, post-myopic corneal refractive, dry eye, and glaucoma subject subgroups and we saw comparable outcomes to the overall cohort.
The AcrySof IQ Vivity® IOL can be successfully implanted without the need for expensive, specialized equipment or extensive patient counseling. The AcrySof IQ Vivity® IOL has great potential for patients who otherwise would not be candidates for multifocal lenses and certainly expands the pool of patients who are able to receive presbyopia-correcting technology.